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First post!! DOUBTS?!

I have read somewhere that some professional writers can take several months to start their writing project, even if they have the general idea of what they want to ay and how to say it. I think it makes sense. When a lot hangs on whether people are going to keep reading whatever you wrote or they will never pick up something with your name on it, then a lot of weight is put into the opening statement. At least to capture them enough to show your ideas. Good thing at this point I really don't care if someone (you) reads this or not. Actually, to be honest, I prefer that nobody reads it :D.

Well, why then write it in the first place if I prefer that no one reads it? Ok, I will be frank with no beating around the bush, I was looking for new work and in my line of work, it was in many of the desirable criteria to have something with general writing. I have been thinking about starting a blog a long time ago but never had the real motive to. I think it is because I consider myself your average joe kind of a guy and have nothing really that utterly important to add. At least that is what I used to think :D. I still think the same but I have just come to the realization that even the most minor or normal experiences can give a motive or guide someone else or shed some light on something or even make someone think about something from a new perspective, even if he or she is against that perspective. 

Like it was stated in the movie "The fault in our stars" which I never saw, by the way, some people have the fear of being forgotten, and of course like the rest of the fears/phobias, it has one of those stupidly long names, which makes people sound smart 😛 "athazagoraphobia". Maybe that is my real motive, cause lets be frank who would want to live and die without leaving an impact?? even if it is a minor one? I mean I would feel pretty much useless if I did, actually, it is even worse than useless cause I would have used up a bit of the resources of the planet, without giving back.

So, much to your luck or maybe lack of it, I decided to try my hand at getting out there and see how things go. So since I have been sucked into this whirlpool called medicine and all my choices in life are influenced by it, it was only fitting to make it the center of my blog. How did medicine influence my life? my professional choices even in non-medical ones? sports? diet? reading, leisurely of course? and how is life living with medicine? successes and fails, med school and its nonsense and to top it all practicing medicine in my old dear country.

Also, i will post some articles about my personal experience with some exams and how i went about them, could work for some people and be the demise of the majority. You only follow those on your own responsibility. 


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